
Improving energy efficiency and medical standard in Slovak hospitals

Slovak Republic
Energy efficiency improvements of buildings
Investment Size
Financial results
Payback of 5.2 years
Energy savings
718 tonnes per year
CO2 savings
718 tonnes per year
Slovak Republic and Spain

17 hospitals improve their services

Svet Zdravia is a private operator of hospitals in Slovakia that modernised its medical equipment and improved energy efficiency of buildings and building services with the support of SlovSEFF that provided financing through ENESA SK, a Czech Energy Service Company (ESCO).

Sustainability-minded and forward-looking owner of Svet Zdravia (World of Health), a chain of 17 hospitals that operate across Slovakia, decided to improve the services it provides to almost 1.7 million inhabitants. His goal was to go beyond enhancing the medical standard by switching to more modern medical equipment, he also wanted to rethink hospitals’ out-dated systems and improve energy efficiency of buildings and building services.

The hospitals’ owner decided to finance the upgrades through a financer of energy projects, ENESA SK, to make funding more manageable and help cope with high up-front costs. Without this innovative solution of financing though an ESCO, this project would not have been possible.

An investment of €814,400 went towards improving medical equipment, such as sterilization, and installing new remote-controlled heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting systems that can be optimised to improve energy efficiency.

The upgrades have resulted in 30 per cent reduction in energy consumption helping the hospitals save around €156,450 annually by cutting energy consumption and the associated costs. The environment is also better off, 718 tCO2is being saved each year since the replacement of inefficient equipment.

This project is supported by Slovak Republic and Spain.
