To date, KyrSEFF has lent $400,000 to energy efficiency projects at greenhouses of the country. The total area of greenhouses financed under KyrSEFF covers nearly 25,000 m2 of land in Chui, Issyk-Kul and Zhalal-Abad provinces.
Implemented energy efficiency measures allow the companies to save up to 3,000 MWh of energy per year, sustaining or increasing their businesses. In addition, СО2 emission savings from these projects amount to over 1,000 tonnes a year.
One of the successful examples is the “Rinzhit” greenhouse. The owner applied to KyrSEFF for the $86,000 loan to install the greenhouse blanket, biomass heating boiler and energy efficient lighting. As a result of equipment installation, the greenhouse extended own production areas and began to operate in winter, this way increasing the profitability of business.
Begaly Nargozuev, entrepreneur said: «It has been a dynamic period for greenhouses in Kyrgyzstan, due to our country’ accession to the Customs Union. More and more entrepreneurs are willing to open own greenhouse business and grow vegetables for export. They also start realizing the importance of energy efficiency during the greenhouse construction, and often address me for advice. I believe that renewable energy for greenhouses will strongly enhance the development of the sector. For this, I believe, the raising awareness and explicit information on technologies and solutions shall be available».
According to the Kyrgyz Ministry of Agriculture, nearly 500 greenhouses operate currently in the country, cultivating vegetables on the 80 hectares of land. The country’s greenhouses hold only 20 per cent of internal market. The rest 80 per cent are imported in wintertime from China and neighbouring Uzbekistan.
In view of the country’s accession to the Customs Union, the need to increase the greenhouse output, while decreasing the energy consumption is imminent. Otherwise, this sector has all preconditions for prosperity due to favourable climate, fertile soil, and, equally important, preferential tax treatment.
Importance of energy saving technologies in the greenhouse sector (i.e. greenhouse blankets, energy-efficient heating, ventilation and lighting systems) is highlighted by the KyrSEFF team at various business events, meetings and in the marketing materials.
Therefore, KyrSEFF is looking forward to more sustainable energy projects in the greenhouse sector.