
New energy efficient freezer for a small grocery store in Shymkent

Erali Daniyarov, private entrepreneur
Shymkent, Kazakhstan
A new energy-efficient chest freezer
Energy savings
0.12 mWh per year
CO2 savings
0,044 tonnes per year
Increased production output, improved competitiveness
GEF, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, EU

Energy-efficient technologies help keep products fresh and contribute to energy saving

Erali Daniyarov is an entrepreneur from the city of Shymkent who runs a small home-based grocery store. Recently, the demand for his store’s products has increased, and Erali decided to buy a freezer that products have been stored for longer. He applied to the Microfinance organization (MFO) “KMF” to finance the purchase and loan expert recommended him to join the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) program, which allows to purchase energy-efficient reliable equipment and to receive an incentive in the amount of 10%. Erali chooses high performance freezer from a Turkish producer on the web site of Green Technology Selector. The chosen freezer model is quite efficient and reduces CO2 emissions.

“There were no difficulties, and the freezer was delivered quickly. The chosen model saves energy and keeps food fresh for a long time. I promptly received an incentive in the amount of 10% of the loan amount. And finally, the costs were less than the value of the freezer. I have been very satisfied with the purchase! Many thanks to the MFO “KMF” for the good work and fresh products in my store”!

This project was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.
