Check the eligibility criteria to find out if your investment opportunity could meet the GEFF requirements. Complete the application form and submit it along with any documentation about the investment to your local financing branch.
Financial eligibility check
Your financing branch will assess your financial eligibility and request a preliminary technical assessment from the GEFF team.
Technical eligibility assessment
GEFF experts will carry out a preliminary assessment of your green investment opportunities. If needed, GEFF experts may provide further assessment services, which may also require an on-site visit). The resulting assessment report will be reviewed by your financing branch.
Financial assessment and approval
The financing branch will assess your green investment opportunities from a financial, environmental and legal point of view.
Finance agreement
After successfully completing the first step, the financing branch will prepare the finance agreement for your signature.
After signing the agreement, your finance will become available, permitting the eligible green investment opportunities to be adopted.
Putting your investments to use
Arrange for the assessed green investment opportunities to be deployed to your business, taking care to archive any installation certificates, guarantees or maintenance contracts, along with the technology and service proof of purchase (as these will be needed during verification). Contact your financing branch and the GEFF team immediately if your investment has changed and now includes technologies or services that have not been assessed for eligibility.
Verification request
Once your investments are being used and are performing as expected, complete the verification request form and submit it to your financing branch along with the supporting documentation from the previous step.
The GEFF team will arrange to verify that the assessed green investment opportunities have been deployed and are performing effectively (which will require an on-site visit).