


EBRD, EU and Japan support energy-saving investments in North Macedonia


EBRD, EU and Japan support energy-saving investments in North Macedonia


Questionnaire for Gender Assessment within the GEFF III Programme


EBRD and donors help over 18,000 households in Western Balkans to invest in energy efficiency


EBRD and donors extend € 1.5 million loan to Sparkasse Bank in North Macedonia


EBRD expands its residential energy efficiency programme in Western Balkans


Heat pumps – Enjoy a comfortable living environment while spending 4 to 5 times less energy


EBRD and EU support energy efficiency in North Macedonia


EBRD, EU and Austria step up support for energy efficiency in North Macedonia


The EBRD, the EU, Austria and local partner banks donate trees for a greener Skopje


Households light up with support of EU, Austria, bilateral donors and EBRD


EBRD presents the results of the Energy Efficiency Financing Programme for the Western Balkans


EBRD, EU and Austria finance energy efficiency in North Macedonia


EBRD and partners step up support for greener homes and businesses in North Macedonia


EBRD and Komercijalna Banka Skopje promote green investments in North Macedonia


EBRD and NLB Bank Skopje join forces to support corporate and retail sectors


How to Save Energy and Money in a House or Apartment


New EBRD green finance in North Macedonia in time of coronavirus crisis


Keeping residential energy bills low during the coronavirus pandemic


EBRD to boost energy efficiency in North Macedonia


ProCredit Bank Macedonia becomes EBRD’s partner financial institution in the GEFF Program


Domestic heat pumps will reduce your energy bills by 3 to 5 times


GEFF present achievements in a public event for energy efficiency


Dragan Blazhev guest in the morning show of MRTV


EBRD GEFF trains Alfa Plam sub-dealers how to benefit from the Programme


Шпаркасе Банка, EBRD GEFF и ЕВН го одбележаа светскиот ден на животната средина


EBRD GEFF programme – Making a difference to clean the air in the Western Balkans


(Macedonian) EBRD презентира калкулатор за заштеда на енергија и пари во Македонија по повод Светскиот ден на енергетската ефикасност


Одбележување на Светскиот ден на енергетска ефикасност


EBRD GEFF at the Third International Conference on Energetics in North Macedonia


EVN’s photovoltaic systems now more accessible to households through the Sparkasse Bank ECO loan


EBRD GEFF supports Build & Construction Fair


Sparkasse Banka’s event on energy efficiency


GEFF makes energy efficiency technologies affordable for any home


GEFF in media


EBRD launches energy efficiency programme for North Macedonian homes


Ohridska Banka Societe General joins North Macedonian green efforts


EBRD partners with Sparkasse Bank Makedonija to finance energy saving home improvements