20 September 2024, Ulaanbaatar
In cooperation with its financial partner Khan Bank, the EBRD’s GEFF Mongolia held the second successful workshop for vendors and producers of green technologies in Mongolia. More than 40 green technology suppliers participated in this workshop.
During the workshop the opportunities arising from coordination between GEFF Mongolia’s Partner Financial Institutions and green technology suppliers to the benefit of GEFF sub-borrowers and buyers of green technologies were outlined. The GEFF consultants and Khan Bank representatives introduced the technical requirements and features of eligible GEFF projects, the assessment processes and the financing processes to enable suppliers of green technologies to support their clients in obtaining a GEFF loan or even to benefit from supplier loans, which are available to vendors and producers of green technologies wishing to increase the operational base.
The important role played by the Green Technology Selector (GTS), a technology selection platform available on the GEFF Mongolia website, were highlighted and the GEFF consultants explained in detail how green technology suppliers can register on the GTS and benefit from the value-added promotional effects of having their green technologies listed on GEFFs GTS.
GTS is the ultimate platform for connecting investors, financiers, and technology service providers from 39 countries across Central Asia, China, Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. As of September 2024, over 30,000 green technologies worldwide, including 755 products from 132 green technology vendors and producers in Mongolia are registered in the GTS.
The Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) was developed by the EBRD and supported by technical assistance funding provided by the Green Climate Fund and Japan. GEFF provides loan finance to private sector businesses and households to improve their energy efficiency and sustainability through investments in high-performance technologies and practices.
For more information, please visit: https://www.techselector.com/mongolia-en/
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