GEFF II finances investments in a wide range of green projects that improve the competitiveness of the private sector in Morocco.
Client eligibility:
You are eligible(*) to benefit from the GEFF financing if you are:
Investment eligibility:
Your project is eligible for the GEFF financing if it:
All technologies listed on the Green Technology Selector have been pre-approved for financing.
Technology financingOur experts can help identify green investment opportunities eligible for GEFF finance.
Assessment servicesSpecial mentions:
Residential projects eligibility subject to your bank opting for this lending category, not otherwise available.
Special eligibility requirements may apply to your type of business. Please contact your preferred participating financial institution or the local GEFF team office for further details.
Vendor and Producer financing are not eligible for the cash-back investment incentive.
Financing is subject to the usual financing criteria of each of the financing partners.
Maximum financing amounts apply. Please view the Financing page and contact your preferred participating financial institution or the GEFF team for details.
Supported by: