Kazakh company providing operating leasing services acquires excavator with the help of GEFF to enhance the business
LLP Center Block KZ is a medium-sized business located in Nur-Sultan city, Akmola region, Republic of Kazakhstan. The company has been operating on the market since 2012, providing operating leasing services for special equipment. The main clients of the company are such construction companies as Astana-Auto-Stroy LLP, Energo-REM LLP, Build Stroy Object LLP and other.
Currently, LLP Center Block KZ lease several units of special equipment, while the equipment is often old and worn out. The company has planned to purchase a new excavator for a long time, thereby decreasing leasing costs and reducing the costs related to the use of old special equipment. The owner of the Company applied to the Microfinance organization (MFO) “KMF”, where he was advised by a loan manager to take an advantage of the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) program from the EBRD, having received an incentive in the amount of 10%. The company decided to purchase a new excavator of a well-known world brand, which was found on the Green Technology Selector website. The investment cost for the excavator was USD 164,000.
The new excavator is highly efficient, consuming less fuel and producing less CO2 emissions. This machinery is also reliable, breaks less frequently, and requires less costs for the repair and spare parts. The company is confident that the new excavator will be in greater demand among customers compared to the older and less productive ones. The company’s investment of USD 164,000 will result in annual energy savings of 1500.8 MWh/year, as well as reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 106 tonnes/year.
This project was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.