
Efficient district heating in Croatia

Brod Plin
Zagreb, Croatia
Replacement of a pump station and five old boilers with four condensing boilers, installation of new electric system
Investment Size
Financial results
Payback of 6.5 years
Energy savings
141.84 MWh per year
CO2 savings
53.3 tonnes per year

The Brod Plin public company was established in Zagreb, Croatia in 1995 to deal with a variety of services, including district heating, heat production and distribution, gas pipeline network construction, production and distribution of natural gas.

The company applied to WebSEFF to finance the energy efficient modernization of its heat production assets. The project consisted of replacement of the pump station, changing of five old boilers to four condensing boilers, and the installation of new electric system, including automatic pressure control.

The investment of €100,000 allowed to reach substantial energy savings of 141 MWh per year, which is equivalent to €16,894 per year. The investment will be repaid out of energy savings already in 6,5 years becoming the company’s income further on.

The WebSEFF team assisted Brod Plin with verification of the project measures, their technical and economic parameters, as well as profitability.

This is a good example of how public companies can improve their services to the benefit of the multiple local customers, as well as decrease own production costs, making the enterprise more profitable and sustainable.

WebSEFF’s unique model allows public entities to apply for commercial loans – a much needed mechanism – plus, receive the grant and support needed to guarantee the smooth project implementation. Such mechanism is a win-win solution for local communities, enterprises and financing institutions in the Western Balkans, when new, stable and long-term bank clients emerge – public entities, and public sector projects are implemented.
