New furnaces that save 67% of the required energy for operation, resulting in 43% in total energy savings.
This Client is one of the leading Glass manufacturers in Egypt. Their international standards of operation are attested through ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 9001. Their product quality paved their way to penetrate markets in Europe, Africa and Asia.
Aspiring to competitively meet their demand, the Client replaced their old furnace with a newer systems that saves 67% of the required energy for operation, which also lead to a overall savings of the factory energy by around 43.5%.
The GEFF team performed the project analysis, assessed the potential of energy savings, financial-technical parameters and risks.
The US$ 1.2 million investment allowed the company to reduce the energy consumption by 43,601.6 MWh per year. This means the investment will be repaid out of energy savings in 3 years, continuing to generate profit for many years to follow.
The new equipment led to a reduction of the CO2 emissions by 8,723 tonnes per year, making a valuable input towards mitigation of negative effect of human activity on climate.
“This investment helped us increase production capacity by 1.3 times”.
The Green Economy Financing Facility in Egypt was developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and is supported by EBRD’s Shareholder Special Fund and SEMED Multi-donor Account.