
Clara Water and the Circular Economy

Investment Size
$ 1,057,841

Reusable 330ml glass water bottles

Picture a marketplace teeming with single-use plastic bottles, discarded carelessly after just one sip of refreshment. It is a scene all too familiar, a cycle of consumption with no end in sight. But amidst this backdrop, CLARA Water stood firm, offering an alternative that was as refreshing as it was revolutionary – reusable glass water bottles. CLARA Water embarked on a daring journey to revolutionize the way we hydrate ourselves, one glass bottle at a time.

CLARA Water was not just about providing hydration; it was about rewriting the narrative of waste. With a cradle-to-cradle approach firmly in hand, the company championed the cause of a circular economy, where every bottle was a valuable asset in the fight against plastic pollution.

But how did it do it? It was not just about swapping plastic for glass; it was a meticulous combination of distribution, collection, disinfection, and the art of filling and refilling. Every step of the journey was a testament to the company’s commitment to sustainability.

CLARA Water knew that to make a difference, it had to tackle the issue at its source. That is why it invested in a state-of-the-art water filtration system, increasing its production capacity while reducing ist environmental footprint.

But here’s the twist – CLARA Water didn’t stop at just providing water. It partnered with hotels and restaurants, offering them a chance to join the movement. CLARA Water delivered bottles, collected them, and ensured that every drop of water was a step towards a greener tomorrow.

Now, let’s talk numbers. CLARA Water was not just making waves in sustainability; it was  making dollars and cents too. With each bottle returned, each plastic bottle replaced, it was not just saving the planet; it wasbuilding a future where sustainability was the new standard.

To enhance sustainability, CLARA Water employs a filtration system with multiple stages, including sand, carbon, nitrate, and other filters, to reduce total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water. After passing through these filtration stages, 50% of the water is blended with the remaining 50% before being sent to the RO membranes. This approach contributes to environmental conservation and the overall efficiency of the water treatment process.

CLARA Water is just getting started. With agreements signed, partnerships forged, and broken bottles recycled, it is ensuring that every sip was a step towards a brighter, cleaner future.  Thanks to CLARA Water, every drop is not just a sip of refreshment; it’s a chapter in the story of sustainability.

Summary of Costs and Benefits

  • Total Investment: $ 1,057,841
  • Sub-loan Amount: $ 300,744
  • Loan Tenor: 3 years
  • GEFF Incentives: $ 45,111 (15% of loan amount)
  • Resource Reduction: 195 t/year of plastic bottles removed from market
  • GHG emissions reduction: 35% or 7 t CO2 eq./year