Energy efficient production line financed by GEFF helps El-Wessam Pack reduce its production losses and cut energy costs.
El-Wessam pack for production of paper and carton started its operations in 2002 with a paper factory in Quesna’s industrial zone. The company collects paper waste, which would otherwise be burnt or thrown away, and recycle it and turns it into a product that is used for packaging.
The company needed to expand its operations and purchase a new production line that reduces the losses in production hours, thus causing product losses, easier to operate and more efficient in terms of energy consumption, as the electricity prices were starting to rise.
The GEFF team performed the project analysis, assessed the potential of energy savings, financial-technical parameters and risks.
The EUR150,000 investment allowed the company to reduce the energy consumption by 190 MWh per year.
The new equipment led to a reduction of the CO2 emissions by 30 tonnes per year, making a valuable input towards mitigation of negative effect of human activity on climate.
“The new equipment is easier to operate and helped increase our productivity”.
The Green Economy Financing Facility in Egypt was developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and is supported by EBRD’s Shareholder Special Fund and SEMED Multi-donor Account.