
Energy efficiency refurbishing of a residential building saves money and improves living comfort

Tehnoplast d.o.o.
Split, Croatia
Thermal insulation of residential building
Investment Size
EUR 102,500
Energy savings
98 MWh per year
CO2 savings
18.5 tonnes per year
Improved energy efficiency of a building, improved living comfort
European Union, Western Balkans Investment Framework

Croatian company for maintenance of residential and commercial buildings improve building energy efficiency for end users.

Tehnoplast d.o.o. from Split is a family company founded in 1991, specialized in building maintenance. Until 1998, they were engaged in the maintenance of residential and commercial buildings though which gained extensive experience in this field. With the entry into force of the Law on Property and Other Real Rights, they become one of the pioneers of housing fund management in Croatia. From 2006 the company operates in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008.

A residential building of 1,764 m2 total net area was built in 1985 and had relatively poor thermal insulation. Central heating in the building did not exist, but all housing units are heated locally. Fuel, used for heating in the building, was electricity in all 26 residential apartments and 5 commercial spaces. The building had the total of 23 individual air-conditioning systems – “split units” – used for the space heating, and cooling as well, and 53 electric heaters used for the space heating.

The sub-project consisted of adding insulation to the exterior walls and the roof on a residential building located in Split, Croatia, in order to improve energy performance of the building. Tehnoplast approached Privredna banka Zagreb, a Partner Financial Institution of WeBSEFF. The WeBSEFF team assessed potential of energy savings and the financial-technical parameters.

The investment of EUR 102,475 has resulted with annual financial savings of EUR 10,299 which has enabled simple payback of the investment in less than 10 years, with annual primary energy savings of 98 MWh and annual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions for 18.5 tons. The investment was supported from WeBSEFF with financial incentive of EUR 4,099 (5% of the investment amount which equals to the loan amount of EUR 102,475).

The Western Balkans Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (WeBSEFF) was developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and is supported by the European Union and the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF).
