
Energy-efficient freezers boost the production of Tajik ice-cream

Ice cream manufacturer
Soft ice-cream machine
Investment Size
$ 9,000
Financial results
Payback of 3 years
Energy savings
5,500 kWh/annum
CO2 savings
0.5 tonnes per year

Three ice-cream stores cut their energy bills

An ice-cream manufacturer in Tajikistan secured a loan from Climadapt to purchase new equipment that reduced his energy bills and helped him expand his ice-cream production.

Mr Raupov is a Tajik entrepreneur who produces and sells ice-cream and waffle cups. He owns three shops that sell ice-cream and runs his own workshops that teach clients the art of making waffle cups and ice-cream.

Summers in Tajikistan are hot and a lot of energy is spent on keeping the ice-cream cold. Mr Raupov saw an opportunity to reduce his electricity bills by upgrading his equipment. He turned to Climadapt to secure funding of US$ 9,000 in order to invest in three new energy-saving freezers.

The Climadapt team helped Mr Raupov select and verify the technology as well as calculate the costs and savings of the project.

With Climadapt’s investment Mr Raupov has been able to achieve significant productivity gains from increased capacity and energy savings. The new energy-efficient freezers now allow him to save 5,500 kWh per year, which translates into US$ 225 saved annually.

The environmental benefits represent an equivalent of 0.50 tonnes of CO2 saved every year.

The Tajikistan Climate Resilience Financing Facility, CLIMADAPT is developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and supported by the Climate Investment Funds’ Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (CIF PPCR), the United Kingdom and the EBRD Early Transition Countries (ETC) Fund.
