Energy efficient windows create comfort and maintain heat in the apartment of new owners
A resident of Nur-Sultan city bought an apartment and decided to make repairs in it. Most of all, the new owner didn’t like the windows in the apartment. They were in old wooden frames, and one of the glasses had a crack. The woman decided to replace them and contacted the glass factory. At the factory, she was advised to purchase energy efficient windows under the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) Programme from the EBRD. According to the terms of this programme, when choosing eligible windows from the Green Technology Selector for credit funds of a financial partner, you could receive an incentive in the amount of 10% of the purchase price. The offer was very profitable, and the woman applied for the loan to the Microfinance organization “KMF” (one of the financial partners of the programme). Having received the necessary amount, the woman paid for the purchase, and a week later the owner of the apartment has already been pleased by the new energy efficient windows. With the installed new windows, the apartment has become much quieter, lighter, and more comfortable.
“I invited friends to a housewarming party, and the first thing the guests noticed in the new apartment was the new windows. I told them that I bought windows on six months loan granted by the MFO “KMF”. The monthly payment is reasonable and acceptable for our family budget. And when I told I had also received incentive in the amount of 10% of the total cost of the windows replacement, some of my guests also wished to take advantage of such a profitable offer,” said the woman. At the time of verification, the loan must not be repaid. Incentive is paid promptly, until the end of the following calendar month from the date of verification. Incentive is paid to a separate account. It is possible to withdraw the incentive before the loan repayment.
This project was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.