Karem Emprime Ltd. Şti is a textile company located in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul. The factory provides printing and finishing of velvet fabric and yarn processes.
The company decided to renovate its production process to reduce energy bills and improve production.
Karem Emprime addressed TurSEFF for affordable financing of this project, which included replacement of existing washing and drying machines with two new continuous type washing machines and two high-efficiency drying machines.
The TurSEFF team supported the company with project analysis, including the technical-economic parameters and risks, to make sure the investment leads to sufficient energy savings and reduction of the CO2 emissions.
The €635,400 investment allowed the company to decrease its specific energy consumption by 40 per cent, while increasing production by 1.5 times. Savings of one GWh of electricity per year and 7.9 GWh of natural gas per year make it possible to repay the investment in slightly over two years, leaving the new cash-flow as income for the years to follow. In addition, the new machines deliver fewer product defects and less production waste. Last, but not least, the company decreased its CO2 emissions by 2,430 tonnes per year, contributing to the mitigation of the negative effects of human activity on the climate.
This project demonstrates that replacement of production equipment leads to sufficient savings in all types of industries and to other benefits as well. It is therefore worth checking this possibility while choosing between the investment measures for companies’ development.
This way the EBRD, through TurSEFF, supports the implementation of sustainable energy projects by the private sector. Together, the private, residential and public sectors can make a change in the energy consumption patterns and environmental protection.