Replacement of an old concrete press with a new and more efficient one
Created in 2011, VETCAM is a company specializing in the manufacturing and commercialization of concrete-based construction materials.The main products offered by the company are hollow blocks (Agglos and slabs).
As part of its modernization strategy, VETCAM decided to replace the concrete press installed in 2012. In fact, and after ten years of use, the latter showed frequent breakdowns which impacted its productivity and generated curative maintenance costs and business disruptions.
The new machine is a NOVABLOC-type concrete press from the same manufacturer as the old line, which has more advanced technological characteristics, particularly in terms of productivity and energy efficiency. The main advantages of this new press are detailed as follow: a large production capacity with an average of 250 boards/hour, which will allow to achieve significant gains in terms of productivity; savings to be made in terms of electrical consumption thanks to the use of the most technologically advanced components; control of operational costs related to maintenance as well as an improvement in product quality.
The total investment cost for the acquisition of this machine is €680,000. It was financed by leasing from Maroc Leasing through the Green Value Chain facility. This new investment has enabled VETCAM to reduce its annual electricity consumption by 661.73 MWh, corresponding to a reduction of 40% compared to the consumption of the old concrete press. GHG emissions will thus be reduced by 378.51 tCO2eq each year. The return on investment is estimated at just over 3 years.
Green Value Chain (GVC) in Morocco is a credit facility of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development(EBRD) to provide funding to local partner financial institutions for on-lending to Moroccan SMEs belonging to agribusiness, processing industries and logistics value chains and ecosystems. Supported by the European Union, the Green Climate Fund(GCF), the Korean Technical Assistance and Cooperation Account (KTACA) and the EBRD Shareholder Special Fund (EBRD SSF), the facility aims to improve competitiveness of SMEs and that of their value chains and ecosystems through highly efficient green investments.