
Installation of a solar photovoltaic station

Installation of a solar photovoltaic plant.
Investment Size
€ 140,000
Financial results
Payback period:6.52 years
Electricity savings
308 MWh per year (64%)
CO2 savings
176 t eq CO2 per year
Energy savings. Reduction of GHG emissions. Productivity gain.

Installation of a solar photovoltaic station with a total power of 200 kWp

Zalagh Plancher is a Moroccan SME specialized in the manufacture and marketing of various types of building materials, including floors (beams and hourdis) and agglos. The company has been present in the Fez region since 1990 and has just expanded its activities in the Tiflet region in 2016. Zalagh Plancher is currently acquiring a new production line for pre-stressed concrete elements. Its main customers are the major local and national players in the sector such as SGTM, AGI, TGCC, GTR.

In order to optimize its resources and reduce its carbon footprint, Zalagh Plancher is considering solar photovoltaic energy as an alternative energy resource to cover part of its electrical needs.

The project consists of the installation of a solar photovoltaic power plant on the roof of the Zalagh Plancher company site, located at the Fez Office Megapole. This type of installation called “solar self-consumption” means that the electrical equipment works with 2 sources of electricity, the public electricity network and the photovoltaic generator, the priority being automatically given to the solar kWh. The total power of the photovoltaic installation is 200 KWh.

The implementation of this project, financed by MAGHREBAIL, will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 176 T CO2 eq per year compared to the baseline and save approximately 308 MWh in subsidiary energy.

Green Value Chain(GVC) in Morocco is an EBRD credit line that provides financing to local partner financial institutions for the financing of green investments by SMEs operating in value chains. Supported by the European Union, the Green Climate Fund(GCF), the Korea Technical Assistance and Cooperation Account (KTACA) and the EBRD’s Special Shareholders Fund, the facility helps improve the competitiveness of SMEs and their value chains through highly efficient green investments.
