The family-run meat factory in Vushtri, Kosovo has processed local and imported meat since 1999 and supplies it to major supermarkets all over the country. It owns a slaughter house and sells meat wholesale and retail.
The company applied to KoSEP for financing of new energy efficient equipment, as the existing equipment was very inefficient and energy intensive, requiring many repairs.
The €260,000 project included replacement of the meat processing machines, cooling equipment and transport fleet.
The KoSEP team supported the company with loan financing and analysis of the proposed technologies, their financial-technical parameters and risks.
As a result of the investment, the company reduced its energy consumption by €49,500 per year, or 25 per cent of the previous consumption. The investment will repay itself out of energy savings in 5.3 years. Not to forget the company’s improved production process with fewer break-downs, allowing the company to fulfil its commitments to clients. In addition, a positive impact on the environment was achieved through reduced CO2 emissions.
This was an affordable solution to reduce energy consumption without having to scale down productivity. Such investments in energy efficiency clearly demonstrate the prospects for small businesses to grow and develop, pacing confidently into the future and contributing to the local community’s well-being.