
Modernisation of weaving machines for a textile SME

Tangier, Morocco
New weaving machines
Investment Size
€ 613,250
Financial results
Return on investment : 7.33 years
Energy savings
116 MWh/year (27.9%)
CO2 savings
66.6 Teq CO2 per year
Energy saving/ GHG emissions reduction

Acquisition of two textile production lines

CONEDMAR is a Moroccan SME operating in the textile and non-woven materials sector since 1999. Building on its expertise, CONEDMAR has succeeded in diversifying its product range over the years, covering everything from bedding to thermal and acoustic insulation, as well as the automotive industry.

To improve productivity and reduce energy consumption, CONEDMAR considered investing in new rapier weaving machines, and called on the Green Value Chain consultant team to benefit from the program’s financing and technical assistance.

The investment consists of the acquisition of machines designed to replace the old mechanical weaving machines from 1999. These are equipped with a motor based on electronic control and brushless motor technology, making it easier to adjust the speed of the machine from the machine console.

Furthermore, thanks to specific software, the user doesn’t need to use any tools to adjust the crowd cross. They can simply customize the desired settings through the user interface.

This new investment improved resource efficiency and delivered an average annual monetary gain of over € 120,000 while reducing electrical energy consumption and CO2 emissions by 27.9% and increasing plant output by almost 90%.

Green Value Chain (GVC) in Morocco is an EBRD credit line that provides financing to local partner financial institutions for the financing of green investments by SMEs operating in value chains. Supported by the European Union, the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Korea Technical Assistance and Cooperation Account (KTACA) and the EBRD’s Special Shareholders Fund, the facility helps improve the competitiveness of SMEs and their value chains through highly efficient green investments.
