
New energy-efficient gas boiler for a private house in the village of Balpyk bi

Balpyk bi, Kazakhstan
New energy-efficient gas boiler
Energy savings
2,92 mWh per year
CO2 savings
0,548 tonnes per year
Increase comfort and reduce energy costs
GEF, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, EU

Maria Dzhumadilova from the village of Balpyk Bi, Almaty region, works as an admission clerk in a secondary school. Recently, the main gas supply was installed in the village, and the woman decided to replace the heating in her house from solid fuel to gas because it is convenient and reduces heating costs.

It took a lot of investment to modernize the heating system with gasification and install a new gas boiler. Maria covered part of the investment at her own expense, and the rest of the amount she borrowed from the Microfinance organization “KMF”. There she was advised to purchase an energy-efficient gas boiler under the EBRD Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) programme. Under the terms of this Programme, when choosing eligible equipment from the Green Technologies Selector for the credit funds of the financial partner, it is possible to receive an incentive in the amount of 10% of the total purchase price, including costs of delivery and installation.  and gasification.

After installing the gas heating system, the house now maintains a constant comfortable air temperature. There is no need to harvest firewood, purchase coal, and melt the stove daily.

“Before I didn’t know about such a program as green financing. When carrying out a gas heating system, it became necessary to install a gas boiler with the support of a loan. So, I learned about this program, about useful technology and its benefits for myself. I am very pleased with this program, I recommend it to friends and relatives, “- Maria said.


This project was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.
