
New energy-efficient gas boiler for car repair workshop in the village of Balpyk bi

Рrivate entrepreneur
Balpyk bi, Kazakhstan
New energy-efficient gas boiler
Energy savings
0,603 mWh per year
CO2 savings
0,22 tonnes per year
Increase comfort and reduce energy costs
GEF, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, EU

The new energy-efficient gas boiler allowed the private entrepreneur from Balpyk bi to improve the working environment for employees and increase the profit

A private entrepreneur from the village of Balpyk bi, Koksu district, Almaty region, is the owner of the family business. Together with her brother, they established a small vehicle repair workshop. The premises in which the repair works are carried out were built recently, and the heating has not been installed yet. The workers often complained of coldness in the room, their hands were always cold. The decision to invest in the purchase of a new gas boiler was made. In the heating equipment store, the seller advised to apply for a loan to the Microfinance organization (MFO) “KMF” under the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) programme from the EBRD, as well as to receive an incentive in the amount of 10% of the purchase price. That was a very attractive offer.

When applying for a loan, an expert from MFO “KMF” helped to choose an eligible boiler model of a well-known Korean brand on the website of the Green Technology Selector. He explained that when using the credit facilities, the basis for calculating incentive was the amount that included the cost of equipment and associated costs for the delivery, connection to the gas line, and components. After the installation of the gas boiler, it became much warmer in the room. Now the repair works are performed faster, turnover and profits have increased.

“We are very pleased to take an advantage to modernize our business with new energy-efficient equipment, significantly saving on costs due to the incentive,” said the satisfied entrepreneur.

This project was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.
