
New energy efficient gas boiler for private house in Balpyk Bi village

Lyubov Ostroushko, pensioner
Balpyk Bi, Kazakhstan
New energy efficient gas boiler
Energy savings
1,79 mWh per year
CO2 savings
0,336 tonnes per year
Increased comfort and reduced emissions СO2
GEF, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, EU

New energy efficient heating system allowed a pensioner from Kazakhstan to reduce heating costs and simplify the operation of the system

Lyubov Ostroushko is a pensioner from the Balpyk Bi village, Almaty region. The woman lives alone, and recently it has become difficult for her to buy coal to heat her house in winter. Therefore, she decided to install a gas heating system and applied to the Microfinance organization (MFO) “KMF” to finance the purchase of a gas boiler. Lyubov Valentinovna has been using micro loans provided by the MFO “KMF” before and was satisfied, as it is conveniently, fast, and easy to receive funds.

This time, the loan expert of the MFO “KMF” advised to take an advantage of the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) program from the EBRD  which allows to purchase energy-efficient reliable equipment and to receive an incentive in the amount of 10%. Lyubov chose high performance gas boiler from a famous Korean producer on the web site of Green Technology Selector. The chosen boiler model is quite efficient and reduces CO2 emissions. The woman purchased equipment and paid for installation services by means of the received loan. Once the boiler was installed, the pensioner submitted documents for the verification-check and received an incentive. As explained by Lyubov, she is very pleased with the purchase, since it was a long-standing need to replace the old coal range with a gas boiler in order to enjoy its advantages.

This project was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.
