
New energy efficient gas boiler for production hall in Shakhtinsk city

Kazakh company
Shakhtinsk, Kazakhstan
Energy efficient gas boiler
Energy savings
0,057 mWh per year
CO2 savings
0,021 tonnes per year
Increase comfort and reduce energy costs
GEF, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria, EU

A new energy-efficient gas boiler allowed to reduced energy costs in the production hall

A Kazakh company from the city of Shakhtinsk, Karaganda region, has been engaged in furniture production in a small production hall since 2006. A floor-stand fan heater is used to heat the premises. The thermal effect of the fan in the premises is uneven: it is very hot near the heater, and at a distance of several meters the air cools down and cold zones are formed. In addition, the fan dries the air significantly as well as consumes a substantial amount of electricity.

The management of the company made a decision to modernize the heating system. The company applied for a loan to the Microfinance organization (MFO) “KMF”. The loan manager advised to take advantage of the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) program  from the EBRD. He also spoke on the opportunities of receiving an incentive in the amount of 10% of the total cost of equipment, including associated costs for components and installation, when choosing an energy efficient boiler on the Green Technology Selector website. The company has chosen a suitable model of an energy efficient gas boiler from a well-known Italian manufacturer. After the completion of the installation works, all the necessary documents were submitted for verification-check. In a few weeks, the company was credited with the incentive in the amount of 10% of all costs for the purchase of main equipment, including the purchase of the related components and installation.

“It has become much more comfortable to work in the production hall as well as the electricity bill has become much lower. Now we are considering to modernize the equipment under the GEFF program again,” said the head of the company.

 This project was supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.
