
Production Increase and Energy Savings at El-Foam

Modules 1. FactsEl-Foam industries
Energy efficient blending machine
Investment Size
EGP 13,000,000
Energy savings
189 MWh per year
CO2 savings
85 tCO2eq/year
EUR 1,010,000 production capacity increase
EBRD Shareholder Special Fund and SEMED Multi-donor Account

New blending equipment purchased with the help of GEFF result in energy saving, increased production and reduced product waste and harmful chemical emissions.

El-Foam industries is one of the oldest in the field of industrial foam manufacturing in Egypt. The company has been operating since the 1970s.It produces industrial sponge and its derivatives, which are used in making mattresses or car seats. The company sells to both the public, as well to the private sector, in addition to exports.

The company needed to make an investment of EGP 17,000,000 in order to modernize its equipment which was consuming a lot of energy – after the government increased the energy prices- and resulted in over 10% of product waste during the production process.

The GEFF team performed the project analysis, assessed the potential of energy savings, financial-technical parameters and risks.

The EGP 13 million investment allowed the company to reduce the energy consumption by 189 MWh per year, resulting in the annual costs savings of EUR1,010,000. This means the investment will be repaid out of energy savings in 18 months, continuing to generate profit for many years to follow.

The new equipment led to a reduction of the CO2 emissions by 85 tonnes per year, making a valuable input towards mitigation of negative effect of human activity on climate.

“With the new production, the percentage of wasted product is reduced. This new technology gives us a final product that provides greater flexibility to meet the market’s demands in a better way, with minimum waste”.

The Green Economy Financing Facility in Egypt was developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and is supported EBRD’s Shareholder Special Fund and SEMED Multi-donor Account.



