
Reconstruction of heating system in the Slovak town of Krásno nad Kysucou

Krasbyt, s.r.o. district heating company (KRASBYT)
Northern Slovak Republic
Decommissioning of existing central heat exchange units and replacement with local stations in residential houses
Investment Size
Financial results
Annual cost savings of €40,000
Natural gas savings
214,700 cubic meters per year (32%)
Reduced energy losses

Krásno nad Kysucou is a small town with 7,000 inhabitants in the northern Slovak Republic. KRASBYT company has provided housing management services, including water and heat supply, reconstruction, electric and plumbing works in the town since 2007. Currently it manages around 400 apartments and non-residential premises.

The company applied to MunSEFF for financing to reconstruct the local heat production, distribution and supply systems for the residential sector. The MunSEFF team assisted the company with verification of the project measures, their technical and economic parameters and profitability.

The project consisted of decommissioning of the existing central heat exchange units and their replacement with local stations in residential houses. The new stations are equipped with condensing boilers, thermal control systems and VSD-based water circulation pumps. They also manage hot water production, which in future will be complemented with a solar system for hot water preheating.

The MunSEFF investment of almost €700,000 improved the heat generation efficiency by up to 92 per cent and reduced natural gas consumption by 32 per cent. In addition, the automated control system improved regulation and saved operating costs, leading to annual cost savings of €40,000. The investment project also enhanced the comfort in the buildings, reduced failures and repairs, and improved the long-term reliability of equipment.

This is a good example of how commercial loans can be used for infrastructure modernisation in small municipalities.
