
Reinforcement of a water treatment plant for a leading plastics company

Casablanca, Morocco
Acquisition of wastewater treatment equipment
Investment Size
€ 60,000
Financial results
Payback time: 8.26 years
Water savings
6,840 m3/year
CO2 savings
1,021 T eq CO2 per year
Water recycling, Reducing water consumption

Acquisition of wastewater treatment equipment

Founded in 1990, Offset Polyplast SA is a Moroccan company specializing in the manufacture of plastic packaging, contributing to the growth of numerous Moroccan companies operating in the agri-food sector, particularly dairy products.

Conscious of the crucial importance of responsible management of natural resources and driven by a deep concern to preserve the environment as a key element of its brand image, Offset Polyplast has invested in new wastewater treatment equipment to enhance its existing unit. This equipment includes:

  • Coagulation tanks
  • Neutralization tank
  • Flocculation tank
  • Chemical sedimentation tank
  • Filter feed tank
  • Automatic polymer preparation tanks
  • Chemical treatment feed pumps
  • Sludge pumps
  • Sand filter feed pump

Thanks to the technical assistance and financing provided by Green Economy Financing Facility II (GEFF II), this investment allows Offset Polyplast to treat and recycle an additional volume of 6,840 m3 of water each year and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1,021 T eq CO2 per year, thus contributing to environmental preservation.

Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) in Morocco is a green economy financing program, implemented by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), will provide financing to Moroccan private enterprises through local financial institution partners. Supported by the European Union (EU), the Green Climate Fund (GCF). It will enable local companies to invest in green technologies, reduce their costs through climate adaptation measures, energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies.
