
Serbian aluminium lid manufacturer invests in new production equipment

Deltaplast d.o.o.
Die cutting machine and automated stacking machine
Investment Size
€ 370,000 (loan of € 250,000)
Financial results
Payback priod of 5 years
Energy savings
95 MWh per annum

Deltaplast Ltd is a Serbian manufacturer of light metal packaging that produces aluminium lids for dairy products including sour cream and buttermilk. The company also produces butter foil, wrap around labels and foil packaging for pharmaceutical industry. Deltaplast sells its products Serbia as well as the wider Western Balkans region (including Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and FYR Macedonia).

The company decided to improve their production efficiency by investing € 370,000 (of which € 250,000 was loaned by WebSEFF) into a new rotary die cutting machine that is at the highest standard of those currently used in the industry.

The WebSEFF team performed the analysis of the investment, its technical-economic parameters and risks to make sure the investment leads to sufficient energy savings and reduction of CO2 emissions.

Deltaplast Ltd invested € 74,500 into new energy efficient equipment and upgraded to an automated stacking machine that is able to process the same amount of in-mold-labels with less time. As well as speeding up the production, the company was able to reduce its operational costs, many tasks can now be done with less manual labour and less material is wasted.

The amount of electricity needed to operate the new equipment also dropped leading to 93% decline in CO2 emissions each year. This resulted in annual savings of € 74,500.

This facility was developed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and is supported by the EU and the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF).
