Over 350 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved per year
A Slovak producer of refractory materials, SLOVMAG invested in new energy efficient equipment to replace its out-dated and most intensive machines and become more energy efficient and sustainable.
SLOVMAG is one of the biggest producers of refractory materials in Slovakia. They create elementary building materials and other refractory products, which are used for refurbishment of cement and steel furnaces and for refurbishment of electric storage heaters.
SLOVMAG analysed its production and identified the most energy intensive production processes. The company saw an opportunity for technical improvements to increase energy efficiency and decided to replace two compressor stations and three hydraulic presses with a new single machine.
The SlovSEFF team performed the project analysis, assessed its potential of energy savings, financial-technical parameters and profitability.
As a result, SLOVMAG invested € 2.7 million into modernising its equipment. These improvements altogether have resulted in 1,200 MWh per year energy saving and € 154,600 annual energy cost savings. There are other benefits, the company now saves over 350 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, as a result of the investment.
This project is supported by Slovak Republic and Spain.