
Unleashing the hydro power potential of Romania

Uzinsider General Contractor SA
Alba county, Romania
Small hydro power plant
Investment Size
Financial results
Payback period of 5 years
2.47 MW of installed renewable energy capacity and 8,295 MW of electricity generation per year; increased security of energy supply and energy independence for Romania

Uzinsider Group has been providing specialised consulting and trade services primarily for the metallurgical industry since 1992. As part of its development and diversification policy, the group has decided to enter into the energy generation sector.

The company addressed RoSEFF for financing of a small hydropower plant (HPP) on the river Aries, near Mihoesti. The RoSEFF team performed analysis of the energy saving potential of the suggested project, its financial-technical and environmental parameters and its profitability.

The company planned to take advantage of a dam built in 1987 to protect downstream settlements from flooding. The dam had accumulated 6.25 million cubic meters of water. Uzinsider planned to utilise the energy potential of the dam, which would otherwise be wasted. The final project comprised construction of a new water intake, new building for the HPP, installation of two horizontal Kaplan turbines with a total installed capacity of 2.47 MW, two generators, two transformers, one metering station and the related measurement and control systems.

The €2,022,392 investment allowed the company to generate 8,295 MW of energy per year. Only 2% of the generated energy is consumed by the HPP itself. The investment will be repaid in 5 years, leaving a profitable renewable energy asset functioning for many more years, providing income for the company and an internal energy source for the country.

This project vividly demonstrates the win-win outcome of small hydro power plants. It is a profitable and sustainable business for companies. It develops new internal energy sources for the country, enhancing the security of supply and energy independence. Finally, it has a positive environmental impact by reducing the demand for electricity generated from fossil sources and leading to lower CO2 emissions in the world.
