Some green investments are too complicated for the simple ‘pre-approved’ approach using the online Technology Selector. Examples of more complex investments are:
In these cases, EBRD provides Eligibility Assessment Services in the form of free expert technical support to help PFIs and their customers to identify the best solutions and ensure quality green economy projects are successfully financed.
GEFF Assessment Services are provided by impartial experts competitively selected by the EBRD. In Romania, a team of consultants from Tractebel Engineering provided these services, working under contract to EBRD.
Advice from these impartial experts support decision-making, and also the consultant issues Assessment Reports which certify that a positively-assessed investment proposals are technically eligible to be financed using GEFF.
GEFF sub-loans for pre-approved equipment and materials chosen from the Green Technology Selector do not require an Assessment. All other GEFF sub-loans require an Assessment to confirm that the investment proposal is technically eligible to be considered for GEFF Financing.
Assessments reports are free. They are prepared by the Facility Consultant under contract to EBRD, financed by the Global Environment Facility.
The content and level of complexity of an Assessment depends on the complexity of the investment proposal. It may be a simple as an independent confirmation that a new apartment has an Energy Performance Certificate that meets the minimum standards set by GEFF. Or for complex investments it may be a detailed techno-economic report with technical solutions and eligible costs
Free technical consultancy is integrated into the GEFF.