


Belgrade Entrepreneurs Attend Workshop on Green Financing Opportunities


Green Financing Opportunities

EBRD cover

Erste Leasing launches their GEFF Serbia Leasing credit line


S Leasing Serbia gets €10 million from EBRD and Green Climate Fund


GEFF Serbia Leasing presents at conference on financing solar PV


Summary findings of Gender Baseline Assessment published

GEFF Serbia Leasing National Gender Workshop

Watch the National Gender Workshop


Video on gender inclusion and climate change


GEFF Serbia Leasing: short film on impact and results


National Gender Workshop

EBRD cover

Climate Change, Gender and Access to EBRD GEFF Financing

Direktor EBRD-a za Zapadni Balkan

EBRD Director for Western Balkans: green energy initiatives & GEFF Serbia Leasing

GEFF Serbia Leasing Goran Matovic

Goran Matović, Lead Engineer of GEFF Serbia Leasing, presents at the conference: Serbia Goes Green 2021


GEFF Serbia Leasing client Graničar featured on Balkan Green Energy News

Teko Mining

GEFF Serbia Leasing client Teko Mining featured on Balkan Green Energy News

GEFF Serbia Leasing

Interview with GEFF Serbia Leasing Lead Engineer Goran Matović on Gradnja portal


Interview with GEFF Serbia Leasing Program Manager Lovre Ristevski in Diplomacy & Commerce magazine

Gordana Vasiljevic

Interview with Gordana Vasiljevic on the Kreativno – Biznis Magazin feature at PINK TV 3


GEFF Serbia Leasing Technology Workshop


EBRD and UniCredit Leasing support Serbian SMEs transition to green economy

EBRD targets coronavirus financing

EBRD targets coronavirus financing of €21 billion through 2021

Solar panels

GCF gives green light to largest climate project to date in EBRD partnership


EBRD and GCF boost climate finance for Serbian SMEs