Female farmer invested in a greenhouse to boost production of tomatoes
Ms. Tojimatova has been growing vegetables including tomatoes and cucumbers on her farm for more than 20 years. Her farm is located in the Tursunzoda district, a rapidly developing region due to increased border trade with Uzbekistan. She saw this as an opportunity to grow her business.
Ms. Tojimatova approached one of the EBRD’s partner banks for a loan of US$ 3,094 and invested in a 1,200 sqm greenhouse. The greenhouse will allow her to grow around 3,000 tomato plant stocks, which is an increase in crop yield of 140% from approximately 2,500 kg to 6,000 kg.
The investment is beneficial for productivity as well as for the environment. Significant reductions in water consumption are expected – 1,980 m3 per year, that’s equivalent to saving the amount of water required to have around 19,800 baths.
The European Union investment incentives of 20% is available which makes the financing more accessible to farmers.
“This investment creates value both in the short run and in the long run. With a larger harvest, I aim to sell to larger supermarkets in Dushanbe besides local district markets” said Ms. Sayorakhon Tojimatova.
GEFF Tajikistan is supported by the European Union, the Green Climate Fund and South Korea.
GEFF Tajikistan [Agricultural Value Chains] helps Tajik farmers and agribusinesses adopt technology solutions that can enhance competitiveness of the agricultural value chains. The program supports gender activities that aim to enhance women and men’s equal opportunity to access finance for green technologies.