Successful projects are often the inspiration for new green investment opportunities. The examples provided here demonstrate what has already been achieved with GEFF expertise and financial help.
04.05.2023 -
The company ‘Delta Global Plast’ LLC was founded in 2010 and initially started as a small producer of disposable straws and cutlery. The woman-owner of the company soon expanded its product variety and started to supply major retail outlets in Uzbekistan. Having recognised the importance of making her production not just larger but also more
DETAILS30.03.2023 -
A GEFF loan helped an Uzbek company to diversify into the fruit and vegetable storage market by fitting its warehouses with a modern tunnel freezer for shock-freezing, a process that preserves the produce’s nutritional values and quality. Fashion Trend Furniture LLC was founded in 2016 for the production of fabric accessories for the furniture sector.
DETAILS30.03.2023 -
A GEFF loan helped a company in Karakalpakstan to vastly improve the quality of construction material supplied to its building sites. Nukus Sky House LLC is located in Nukus City, just a few hundred kilometres south from the disappearing Aral Sea. The company is active in the construction sector, mainly manufacturing reinforced concrete and ready
DETAILS17.12.2021 -
An Uzbek company located in Andijan region invests in a highly efficient wood plastic composite board production line for interior car parts with a GEFF loan, which will generate energy savings of 43%. Since 2003, the Uz-Metertech LLC produced gas meters for domestic installations – and this activity is also the origin of the company
DETAILS17.09.2020 -
The medical service provider ‘Hojiakbar-Besh’ LLC owns and operates the clinic ProfiMed in the Mirabad district of Tashkent city. The company was founded in 2009 and provides a full range of ophthalmological, dental and other medical services in the Mirabad district of Tashkent city. The services of the ophthalmological department of the clinic comprise diagnostics
DETAILS29.08.2020 -
The company ‘Pipe Technologies LTD’ was founded in 2009 and is now one the major manufacturers of polyethylene pipes in Tashkent, holding 25% of the total PE pipes market and around 60% of market for locally produced PE pipes. The wide product range of the company includes pipes for drip irrigation. Given the importance of
DETAILS22.08.2020 -
Uzbekistan is a country with an increasingly vibrant business community, which requires a well-developed transport infrastructure to support its growth plans. This requires the expansion of the natural gas filling station network in the country, where natural gas is the preferred choice as a vehicle fuel for private as well as public and municipality vehicles.
DETAILS22.08.2020 -
The company ‘Muhammadiyev Musurmon Qulmurzaevich LLC’ was founded in 2012 and is the owner and operator of natural gas refuelling stations business in the Chirakchi district of the Kashkadarya region. The new natural gas refuelling station worth US$ 255,000 was built in Kukdala village. To better meet the demand for natural gas as a vehicle
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