The technical support is provided free-of-charge by a local team of impartial consultants available at various stages of the investment project.
The Green Technology Selector is an online tool to help you identify the most suitable high-performing equipment and materials eligible for financing.
In addition, the GVC team offers expert advice that help turn your investments into greener and sounder investments and make you stay ahead.
These support services help:
In Egypt, these services are provided thanks to funding from the European Union and the EBRD Shareholder Special Fund.
To request GVC services, contact your preferred participating financial institution or the GVC team.
I require financing for specific high-performing equipment and materials. Take me to the Green Technology Selector.
I require expert advice to assess my eligibility of my investment. Tell me more about services available.
If you have identified eligible equipment or materials that you want to finance, follow the Step-by-Step Guide “How to apply for technology financing”.
If you would like our experts to identify your green investment opportunities, follow the Step-by-Step Guide “How to apply for assessment services”.
Our GVC team will be happy to assist you with your queries.