The GEFF programme operates through a network of more than 206 local financial institutions across 29 countries, supported by almost € 6.6 billion of EBRD finance. More than 236,000 investments have led to reduction of almost 11 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.
Through the GEFFs, the EBRD provides credit lines to local financial institutions so that they can finance the green investments of a large number of eligible beneficiaries.
GEFF goes beyond providing simple lines of finance: an experienced EBRD team of bankers and technical programme managers ensures consistent quality and innovation in GEFF product and service delivery. In addition, advisory services are available to help participating financial institutions and their clients enhance their market practices.
This helps the GEFFs to demonstrate the benefits of green economy investments and show how green projects are turned into sound investments.
Learn more about the GEFFs in different countries and regions.
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