Preparations for winter should begin now. A broadcast on this topic took place today on Zhamattyk Media.
Guests of the studio were Zhanybek Kulumbetov, an energy efficiency engineer, and Mars Tursunbek Uulu, regional manager of Kompanion Bank.
Zhanybek Kulumbetov spoke about the GEFF Kyrgyzstan (KyrSEFF III) program to provide preferential loans for the housing sector and business. He explained the terms of the loan, types of work and list of equipment.
GEFF Kyrgyzstan (KyrSEFF III) is:
▪loans to finance measures to improve energy and resource conservation;
▪ issues up to 15% of the loan amount;
▪provide free technical consultations on the introduction of energy efficiency and resource efficiency in current projects.
Watch the full recording of the live broadcast at the link:
For a warm home and a successful business!