There are various ways GEFF can help you identify the best solutions for a successful green economy project.
Green Technology Selector
Technologies available on the Green Technology Selector are eligible for financing under the GEFF without any further technical approval. The process of financing these technologies is simple.
Please follow the Step-by-step guide on how to apply for technology financing for more information.
Assessment of investment eligibility
Some green investments are too complicated for the simple “pre-approved” approach using the online Green Technology Selector (e.g. investment in multi-apartment buildings).
In these cases, the EBRD provides assessment services – technical expert support for free to help Participating Financial Institutions and their customers identify the best solutions and ensure successful implementation of high-quality green economy projects.
The GEFF Kyrgyzstan team KyrSEFF III offers expert advice that can help turn your green opportunities into a sound investment and make you stay ahead. We help:
These experts can provide advice to support business decision-making.
To request GEFF services, please contact our Team.
I require financing for specific high-performing equipment and materials. Take me to the Green Technology Selector.
I require expert advice to assess the eligibility of my investment. Tell me more about the available services.
If you have identified eligible equipment or materials that you want to finance, follow the Step-by-Step Guide “How to apply for technology financing”.
If you would like our experts to identify your green investment opportunities, follow the Step-by-Step Guide “How to apply for assessment services”.
Our GEFF team will be happy to assist you with your queries.